Chains start from starport network, DNS for chain ids
A chain is identified by an ID
Better not to make a standard that everyone will follow
Is it a goal of starport to become a chain naming service?
For the chains launching form starport network yes
It would naturally align itself to be the go to chain id name service
Register upgrades and genesis files here
Github idea again
It was a failure because it was more important for wallets to worry about asset ids rather than chain ids
The need may be back though
Need to access node IP address
When tey started, they realized what was most important was asset ID
P2P identifiers versys RPC identifiers
Slightly susceptible to DDOS so most people don’t make them public
Roots of trust for stake sync
Genesis files
Chain ids
ICF most trustworthy host
Cosmos most views
Seed Nodes as a service
What exists for ethereum or btc
Hard coded in the clients
Github list
What’s the risk?
What’s the vulnerability?
We don’t want infura because we can’t unseat it
Centralized points of failure because people start leaning on them
6 month project with a 2 person team?
Chain starter / DID module
No one needs to run the nodes, just a service that queries the RPC for peers, genesis file and roots of trust for the light client and regularly updates the repo (via CI)
Requires at least one open RPC endpoint
Each chain project that exists should want to list their chain on this service
If we make the burden of running minimalist, otherwise as a validator i’m happy to run a daemon on one of my sentry nodes and provide the info for the networks i validate on
Validators could keep running this, why not include it in the relayer itself?
Relayer that connects to intermediary chains, lists all endpoints available for that chain, each validator of that network is already connected to that relayer
When the relayer bootstraps it requires a bootstrap root of trust for the light client
Relayer is pulling it from naked RPC endpoint
Native support on keplr, need this info on the repo and they will support it natively
Provider list
How to authenticate the provider
How to rank the provider?
RPC endpoints is a DDOS threat
They’re secured through anonymity
Initial goal maybe isn’t the RPC, build to that
Initially, peers, genesis and light client roots of trust allow anyone to build a new node trustworthy
Would allow bringing new nodes online very quickly
Data will change
Should we use a chain-id as the identifier?
Then you don’t need to worry about who is the “true” chain
Wallets want to know who is the “true” chain
This is just a building block
A relayer that can use this repo can provide other future services regarding the asset denominations and IBC